Being more reliable and more durable, the blockchain allows the issuing of academic and professional micro-certifications with probative value.

What are Open Badges?

Created in 2011 by the MacArthur and Mozilla foundations, the Open Badges are a standardized system of digital badges. The format benefits from a dynamic open source community and has become a proven vehiclefor sharing skills, soft skills or non-academic know-how. It plays an important role in the open education movement and underpins many projects aimed at redefining degree courses, pedagogy and lifelong skills acquisition.

Blockchain micro-credentials issued by Queen’s University

Why blockchain Open Badges ?

BCdiploma, very active in the field of digital credentials, had Open Badges compatibility in its roadmap… but it all got a lot faster with the eCampusOntario “micro-credentials” tender, won in December 2019. “In Canada, this government-funded nonprofit is currently working with universities and colleges to develop micro-certifications in collaboration with industry partners,” says the BBC.

Lena Patterson, Co-Executive Director of eCampusOntario, explains why BCdiploma and the blockchain were chosen: “The blockchain-based technology that eCampusOntario is using to issue these micro-certifications ensures that all records are encrypted and immutable, while protecting the right to be forgotten upheld in the GDPR.” (Micro-certification: towards a recursive system of learning recognition).

Choosing 100% blockchain Open Badges means choosing micro-credentials whose data is tamper-proof, and whose durability is guaranteed regardless of their issuer or the platform on which they were issued. All the data, right down to the proofs of assertions of the digital badges are read in real time on the blockchain: Open Badges can therefore be considered to certify micro-credits or skills for probative and professional purposes.

The 100% blockchain Open Badge by BCdiploma certified by IMS Global

BCdiploma creates the first 100% blockchain Open Badge for tamper-proof and long-lasting micro-certifications for professional use. IMS Global Learning Consortium, key player in the Open Badges standard, has certified BCdiploma’s Blockchain Open Badges: they comply with the Open Badges 2.0 standard and are compatible with all solutions, passports, portfolios and backpack in the Open Badges ecosystem.

Learn more about Open Badges

Several universities, such as the University of Caen or Tours, offer Open Badges to their students. “The challenge is decisive for the employability of students, which is no longer based solely on the academic knowledge acquired through graduation and assessment by grades, and which then reflects on the attractiveness of the universities.” (The Student — educpros, FR)

Julien Llanas and Magued Abdel Maaboud describe Open Badges as the most popular “digital micro-certifications”. They offer interoperability and durability ensured by a growing ecosystem of players: more than 3,000 organizations around the world create and deliver this type of digital micro-certification today. Universities, NGOs and administrations are still in the lead, but companies are following suit, especially those in advanced digital technologies that cannot provide tomorrow’s jobs with yesterday’s certifications. (Deloitte: skills badges at the heart of tomorrow’s training).

Learn more about 100% blockchain Open Badges by BCdiploma

Discover our complete range of micro-certifications, Open Badges and digital badges. Secure, shareable in one click, they will enhance the value of your training offer and help you to develop your diploma, certifying or online programs in micro-credits and skills blocks.

Request a Demo of the BCdiploma turnkey platform



Open Badges 由 MacArthur 和 Mozilla 基金会于 2011 年创建,是一种标准化的数字徽章系统。该格式受益于动态的开源社区,并已成为共享技能、软技能或非学术知识的成熟工具。它在开放教育运动中发挥着重要作用,并支持许多旨在重新定义学位课程、教学法和终身技能获取的项目。



BCdiploma 在数字证书领域非常活跃,在其路线图中具有 Open Badges 兼容性……但随着 2019 年 12 月赢得的eCampusOntario“微证书”招标,这一切都变得更快了。 “在加拿大,这个政府资助的非营利组织目前正在与大学和学院合作,与行业合作伙伴合作开发微型认证,” BBC说。

eCampusOntario的联合执行董事Lena Patterson解释了为什么选择 BCdiploma 和区块链:被 GDPR 遗忘。” (微认证:走向学习识别的递归系统)。

选择 100% 区块链 Open Badges 意味着选择数据不可篡改的微凭证,无论其发行者或发行平台如何,其持久性都得到保证。所有数据,一直到数字徽章的断言证据,都在区块链上实时读取:因此,Open Badges 可以被视为证明小额信用或证明和专业目的的技能。

IMS Global认证的100%区块链Open Badge by BCdiploma

BCdiploma创建了第一个 100% 区块链开放徽章,用于专业用途的防篡改和持久微认证。IMS 全球学习联盟是 Open Badges 标准的主要参与者,已认证 BCdiploma 的区块链 Open Badges:它们符合 Open Badges 2.0 标准,并与Open Badges 生态系统中的所有解决方案、护照、投资组合和背包兼容。


卡昂大学或图尔大学等几所大学向学生提供开放徽章。“挑战对学生的就业能力具有决定性意义,学生的就业能力不再仅仅基于通过毕业和成绩评估获得的学术知识,进而反映大学的吸引力。”(学生 — educpros,法国)

Julien Llanas 和 Magued Abdel Maaboud 将 Open Badges 描述为最受欢迎的“数字微认证”。它们提供由不断壮大的参与者生态系统确保的互操作性和持久性:如今全球有 3,000 多家组织创建并提供此类数字微认证。大学、非政府组织和行政部门仍然处于领先地位,但公司正在效仿,尤其是那些无法通过昨天的认证为明天的工作提供先进数字技术的公司。(德勤:技能徽章是明天培训的核心)。

详细了解 BCdiploma 的 100% 区块链开放徽章


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