We are building an infrastructure for digital academic credentials that can support the education systems of the future.Read: Whitepaper | Credentials to Employment: The Last Mile

A University-Led Effort

The Digital Credentials Consortium was founded in 2018 by leading universities with expertise in the design of verifiable digital credentials. Together, we are designing an infrastructure for digital credentials of academic achievement.

Digital technology has a profound effect on the way we learn.

A wealth of materials is available to us at all times. We can easily connect with other learners, or communicate with our professors. Increasingly, technology is acting as personal guide that can support our individual interests and pathways. But the way we issue and manage academic credentials has not changed that much - and doesn’t take advantage of the possibilities of digital technology.What would an academic degree look like if it was designed today? Or a professional certificate? Or a certificate for an online course? As the question of trusted verification and authentication of learning and credentials poses itself with renewed urgency we need to rethink the way we recognize and transact with academic credentials.

Our mission is to create a trusted, distributed, and shared infrastructure that will become the standard for issuing, storing, displaying, and verifying academic credentials, digitally.

Our Technology

We are exploring how recent advances credential data standards and cryptographically signed credentials can be used to rethink the way we recognize and transact with academic achievements.Building on earlier efforts by the participating institutions, we are now setting our sights on the design and governance of a technology infrastructure for academic credentials – transforming credentials into tokens of social and human capital that can create new opportunities for participation in education and industry. Our Technology Working Group is currently developing a white paper.

As a learner, this technology will allow you to:

For institutions, digital verifiable credentials enable you to:

Explore our projects and open source libraries that demonstrate our technology.


Our Projects

We are working on a number of projects to explore a digital credentials infrastructure.


数字证书联盟由在可验证数字证书设计方面具有专业知识的领先大学于 2018 年成立。我们正在共同设计学术成就数字证书的基础设施。










