Until now, Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) on Dock could only have one key at any moment. Though they could be rotated over time, having only one valid key at any moment meant that the DID owner had to use the same key for all purposes.

As an example, consider the life of an issuer utilising a DID. The issuer could perform several functions like the issuance of credentials, authenticating with some other application, engaging in secure communication using a methodology like DIDComm, or revoking its issued credential on the blockchain, which again requires authenticating itself to the chain. Following the principle of separation of concerns, the issuer would ideally like to have separate keys for each of these functions so that when one key is compromised or lost, its other functions are not impacted. Also, the issuer would like to have separate more sensitive keys that can be used to add new or remove existing keys of its DID.

Keys and Verification Relationships

With the latest release of our platform (blockchain node and SDK), we enable a DID owner to have a setup like the above. This new release will allow a DID to add multiple keys for its DID and give them different capabilities. These are called Verification relationships in the W3C DID spec. A key can have one or more Verification relationships to the DID depending on the kind of functions it's supposed to perform on the DID's behalf.

We support 4 Verification Relationships:

1. Authentication - Keys with this relationship are only allowed to be used for authentication, i.e. convincing the other party that it's a key of the DID. Such a key can revoke a credential on the blockchain, add a schema, or act as a holder when sharing a presentation of credential(s).

2. Assertion - Keys with this relationship are used for signing credentials during issuance.

3. Key Agreement - These keys are used during secure communication to encrypt some data for the DID.

4. Capability Invocation - These keys are able to modify the DID Document, i.e. add new or remove existing keys, add/remove service endpoints, controllers (more on this below), etc. If a DID has one or more such keys, we say that the DID "controls" itself, meaning that it can modify its DID Document. We have intentionally decided to allow keys with this relationship to also add schemas, revoke credentials, etc., on the chain.

While adding a key, it can be specified what verification relationships the key would have with the DID. Each new key gets a unique id (in that DID's context), and using this id, the key can be removed as well.

DID Controllers

As mentioned above, only keys with "Capability Invocation" are able to modify the DID Document. A DID with such a key is said to be self-controlled, or it's a controller of itself. But a DID might have other controllers as well, or a DID might not control itself but is only controlled by other DIDs. This capability is essential for guardianship use cases where a DID (the controller) is the custodian of another DID (controlled).

As an example, consider an organization that wants to onboard its members to our chain and give each member a DID. At the time of onboarding, members might not be capable of managing keys, so the organization will create a DID for each of its members. That member DID won't have a key, and the organization DID will be the controller of the member DID. Now the organization is the guardian of the member.

When the member becomes capable of managing keys, the member will provide its public key to the organization, which will update the member DID with that public key, make the member the controller of its DID and remove itself from the controller role, thus ending the guardianship.

In another example, consider an IOT application where each sensor has its own DID. The sensors have keys that they use to sign (Authentication) messages before sending or decrypting (Key Agreement) received messages, but only the owner of the sensors can update their keys. Also, the owner could add new owner(s) to those sensors by adding more controllers to their DID or remove itself as the controller, thus transferring the ownership.

Similar to sensors, DIDs can be assigned to other objects like batteries where batteries have DIDs, but they don't have any keys, only controllers (the owner of the battery). This helps us in building Digital Product Passports which are digital twins of physical products to enable a sustainable and circular economy, etc. DIDs can also be assigned to an NFT where the NFT itself has no keys, but the owner of the NFT is the controller of its DID. When the ownership is transferred, the controller of the NFT DID also changes (this will be triggered through a smart contract).

Other Features of This Release

Service Endpoints

DIDs often need a way to communicate, like a subject DID needs to request a credential from the issuer DID. The issuer thus needs a way to publish its contact information like an HTTPS endpoint it should be reached on or its website. This is achieved by the issuer adding a "service" to its DID Document, which specifies this information. As alluded to before, only controllers of a DID can update the DID Document, thus adding the service endpoint.

Off-Chain DID Documents

Another feature we have added is off-chain DID Documents. Until now, all things part of the DID document, like keys, controllers, and services, are stored on the chain. The logic to add/remove these is not clearly defined in the DID spec but is what looked like the most reasonable to us. But for users who would like a different set of rules for updating DIDs or adding more functionalities without waiting for us to build them can host their DID documents on another storage like IPFS or anything and only store the reference to the document like IPFS CID or URL for the DID.

Improvements and Changes

Lastly, the release contains several refactorings and improvements, which led us to introduce breaking changes, so please upgrade your applications at your earliest convenience.

For a more technical walkthrough of these features check out the conceptual explanation and the hands-on example. Also, there are breaking changes for our SDK so please use SDK version 2.3.0 or above.

Learn More





我们平台(区块链节点和SDK)的最新版本使DID所有者能够像上述那样设置。这个新版本将允许DID为其DID添加多个密钥,同时赋予它们不同的能力。这在W3C DID规范中称为验证关系。密钥可以根据它们代表DID执行的功能类型与DID具有一个或多个验证关系。


  1. 身份验证 - 具有此关系的密钥仅允许用于身份验证,即使对方相信这是DID的密钥。此类密钥可以在区块链上撤销凭证、添加模式或在共享凭证演示时充当持有人。
  2. 断言 - 具有此关系的密钥用于在发行期间签署凭证。
  3. 密钥协商 - 在安全通信期间使用这些密钥为DID加密一些数据。
  4. 能力调用 - 这些密钥能够修改DID文档,即添加新密钥或删除现有密钥、添加/删除服务端点、控制器(下面更多细节)。如果DID拥有一个或多个此类密钥,我们称DID“自我控制”,这意味着它可以修改其DID文档。我们故意决定允许具有此关系的密钥还在链上添加模式、撤销凭证等。







与传感器类似,可以将DIDs分配给其他对象,例如电池,其中电池具有DID,但没有任何密钥,仅有控制器(电池所有者)。这有助于我们构建数字产品护照,这些护照是物理产品的数字副本,以实现可持续和循环经济等。DIDs也可以分配给NFT,其中NFT本身没有密钥,但NFT的所有者是其DID的控制器。当所有权转移时,NFT DID的控制器也会更改(这将通过智能合约触发)。





我们添加的另一个功能是离链DID文档。到目前为止,DID文档的所有部分,例如密钥、控制器和服务,都存储在链上。添加/删除这些的逻辑在DID规范中没有明确定义,但这是我们看来最合理的。但是,对于希望使用不同的规则更新DIDs或添加更多功能而不必等待我们构建它们的用户可以将其DID文档托管在另一个存储中,例如IPFS或任何其他存储,并仅存储对文档的引用,例如IPFS CID或DID的URL。



