Issue Fraud-Proof Credentials Efficiently

If an organization like a university or training program is issuing credentials, they can do so securely by making credentials fraud proof. Fake diplomas are a billion-dollar industry and it’s very easy for people to forge a certificate. This creates many risks for companies and impacts people’s safety as many people who get fake credentials work in health care or more risky field work operating heavy machinery. Even back in the 80s, there were approximately 5,000 fake doctors in the US and it is now believed that there will be many more.

By using decentralized identity technology, organizations help prevent fraud to ensure that you are hiring qualified people with authentic credentials. Let’s say a company is looking for a project manager and they have a practice of hiring efficiently to get the best candidates. Many organizations take a long time to recruit and verify the credentials of candidates resulting in them losing out on great prospects as high-quality applicants often get multiple offers.

Here is how the company leverages decentralized identity technology to hire efficiently:

  1. Mary, the job applicant, manages her decentralized identity and Verifiable Credentials on her phone with a Dock Wallet and wants to apply for the company Naturellica looking for a Senior Graphic Designer.

  2. Mary's University issues her Bachelor of Design as a Verifiable Credential that she stores on her digital wallet and this credential can’t be faked. identity university degree.png

  1. The company makes a job offer and they just need to check that her certificate is authentic. HR requests to view Mary's credentials and starts the verification process with this QR code that Mary can scan: identity verification QR code.png

  1. Mary scans the company's QR code to start the verification process. identity presentation request.png

  1. Mary selects the relevant credential to verify. identity select credential.png

  1. Mary can select which parts of her credential she wants to share rather than showing all of the details on the university degree to maintain privacy. identity select data to share.png

  1. The company instantly sees that her credential is authentic and they offer Mary the job. identity valid presentation.png

The traditional, manual verification process would normally take weeks to even months.

Decentralized Identity and Self-Sovereign Identity: What's the difference? Identity pillars.png

The term “decentralized identity” is used interchangeably with Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), which is an approach to digital identity that gives individuals control of their digital identities. The three pillars of Self-Sovereign Identity are:

A growing number of organizations in government and in the private sector around the world are leveraging decentralized identity technology, including the EU. As the world moves more and more towards Web3, which is the next evolution of the internet, an increasing number of people will take back control of their data through decentralization and blockchain.

Problems and Risks With Centralized and Federated Digital Identity Systems

Centralized Identity Management: Administrative Control by a Single Authority or Hierarchy

Almost all of our digital identities are connected through services, devices, and apps.

Our personal information like our credit card, name, and address is being stored and shared on an increasing number of websites while our data is often used by websites to track people to display targeted content and advertise. As people access more websites and apps, the more accounts they have to create and manage, which creates a bad user experience.

Centralized systems often make digital identities vulnerable to cyber attacks and privacy breaches, including identity theft. Because so much user data is stored in one place, hackers could access a large amount of confidential information.

Federated Identity ManagementBecause of the problems that resulted from the centralized digital identity model, federated identity was developed. A federated identity allows authorized users to access multiple applications and domains with a single set of credentials like when people can use their Google or Facebook to sign into websites or apps. Signing in this way is also referred to as  “single sign-on” tools.

While this method of signing in is more convenient for people because they don’t have to create a whole new account, the main downside is that if your password gets stolen, all of the other sites you used with that single sign-on account could be exposed. You would have to trust both companies that offer single sign-on to protect your privacy and security as well as all of the third-party websites that offer these options to implement them correctly. In recent years, there have been several cases of Facebook and Google misusing information, including Facebook user data to manipulate people’s moods and Google employees leveraging their positions to steal, leak, or abuse data they may have access to.

More aspects of our lives require verification of our identities in order to apply for a mortgage, buy a car, or sign up for a new service. People have little to no choice but to surrender their privacy to use the things they want.

Thankfully, decentralized identity solutions can effectively solve many of these privacy and data breach problems. Decentralized identity gives people full ownership and control of their personal information and credentials.

Decentralized Identity Management vs. Centralized Identity Management

Decentralized identity management is a way of managing your online identity where you, the user, have control over your own personal information, rather than having it controlled by a central organization or company. This is different from centralized identity management, where a central organization or company holds and controls all of your personal information.

One of the main benefits of decentralized identity management is that it gives users more control over their personal information. With centralized identity management, users have to trust that the central organization or company will keep their personal information safe and not misuse it. With decentralized identity management, users have the ability to control who has access to their personal information, and can easily revoke access if necessary.

Another benefit of decentralized identity management is that it is more secure. With centralized identity management, if the central organization or company's security is compromised, all of the personal information of all of its users is at risk. With decentralized identity management, each user's personal information is spread out and not centralized in one place, so even if one user's information is compromised, it does not affect the personal information of other users.

Also, decentralized identity management is more private. With centralized identity management, users often have to give out a lot of personal information to the central organization or company, which can be used for targeted advertising or other purposes that the user may not be comfortable with. With decentralized identity management, users only have to share the personal information that they want to, and can keep the rest private.





  1. 求职者玛丽使用 Dock Wallet 在手机上管理她的分散式身份和可验证凭证,并希望申请 Naturellica 公司的高级平面设计师职位。
  2. 玛丽的大学颁发了她的设计学士学位作为可验证凭证,她将其存储在数字钱包中,这个凭证无法伪造。 identity university degree.png

3.公司提供了一个工作机会,他们只需要检查她的证书是否真实。人力资源从 HR 请求查看玛丽的凭证,并通过这个 QR 码开始验证过程,而玛丽可以扫描这个码: identity verification QR code.png

4.玛丽扫描公司的 QR 码开始验证过程。 identity presentation request.png

5.玛丽选择要验证的相关凭证。 identity select credential.png

6.玛丽可以选择要共享的凭证部分,而不是显示学位上的所有细节,以保护隐私。 identity select data to share.png

7.公司立即看到她的凭证是真实的,并向玛丽提供了工作。 identity valid presentation.png


去中心化身份和自主身份:有什么区别? Identity pillars.png


全球范围内越来越多的政府和私营部门的组织正在利用分散式身份技术,包括欧盟。随着世界向 Web3 越来越接近,这是互联网的下一个演变,越来越多的人将通过分散化和区块链重新获得对其数据的控制。






联合式身份管理由于集中式数字身份模型带来的问题,联合式身份得以发展。联合式身份允许授权用户使用单组凭证访问多个应用程序和域,例如人们可以使用他们的 Google 或 Facebook 登录网站或应用程序。这种登录方式对人们来说更方便,因为他们不必创建一个全新的帐户,但主要的缺点是,如果您的密码被盗,使用该单一登录帐户的所有其他网站都可能会受到影响。您必须信任提供单一登录的两个公司来保护您的隐私和安全,以及所有提供这些选项的第三方网站来正确实施它们。近年来,出现了几起 Facebook 和 Google 滥用信息的案例,包括利用 Facebook 用户数据来操纵人们的情绪和 Google 员工利用他们的职位窃取、泄露或滥用他们可能访问的数据。








