Here is a decentralized identifier example that can be managed in a Dock wallet: identity example.png

A party, either an individual or organization, can make as many DIDs as they want for different relationships. DIDs are like different personas that people can create.

Right now, many people use LinkedIn to show their professional experience and information. But because they don’t want employers to see their personal photos and interests, they make a separate Facebook profile. A DID is similar in that you can make different profiles for different purposes.

For example, you can have a DID for:

Right now, many people use LinkedIn to show their professional experience and information. But because they don’t want employers to see their personal photos and interests, they make a separate Facebook profile. A DID is similar in that you can make different profiles for different purposes.

For example, you can have a DID for: credentials DID profiles.jpeg

Decentralized Identity Solutions: Dock’s Tools

Dock’s decentralized identity solutions enable organizations and people, to completely create, own, and manage their digital identity.

**Dock Certs: User-friendly, No Code Platform for Organizations**

Enables users to easily create and manage their decentralized identity as well as issuing, verifying, and revoking Verifiable Credentials. With Dock Certs, organizations can issue fraud-proof certificates that will protect the value of their credential and enhance their reputation among their stakeholders.

**Dock Wallet: Individuals and Organizations**

People can conveniently take their DIDs and associated Verifiable Credentials anywhere by storing them securely on their Dock Wallet. The wallet enables people to easily create, edit, and manage their decentralized identifiers and no party can take away these identifiers.

**Certs API: Developers and Organizations**

Dock’s Certs API enables users to conveniently issue, verify and revoke Verifiable Credentials (VCs), manage decentralized identifiers (DIDs), and interact with the Dock blockchain. We have open-source software on GitHub that can be used with the API.

Certs API Benefits:

**Web3 ID: Developers and Organizations (Open-Source and Free)**

Web3 ID is an authentication and sign-in system that enables:

How Do You Create a Decentralized Identity With the Dock Wallet?

It’s easy to start creating your decentralized identity with the Dock Wallet app, a wallet that allows users to fully own and control their decentralized identifiers. Verifiable Credentials are associated with DIDs.

Just follow these steps to create a DID:

  1. Select DIDs at the bottom of your wallet and click on the + sign on the top right of the screen. sign to start creating a DID.png

  1. Select Create New DID. a new DID.png

  1. Name your DID like educational credentials, NFTs, IDs etc. and select Create. DID.png

  1. Choose a DID type. Difference between the two keys:
did:key did:dock
Free to create this type of DID Costs tokens to create this type of DID
DID isn’t stored anywhere DID is stored on the blockchain
Will later have the capability to support several key pairs so you can choose which key pair to apply such as using different keys for different applications while still using the same DID. key types.png

  1. Select Create after selecting did:key for example and naming it. a new DID.png

  1. did:key is created. key is created.png

  1. This is the next step if you select did:dock. Name your DID and select the DID Payment Account. If you have multiple accounts, you will see an extra field on this screen for you to choose which account to use to pay for the DID. DID.png

  1. Select Confirm. confirm.png

  1. You now have a new DID! is created.png

Click here to learn more about how to manage DIDs in your Dock Wallet.

这是一个可以在Dock钱包中管理的分散式标识符示例: identity example.png


目前,许多人使用LinkedIn展示自己的专业经验和信息。但是,由于他们不希望雇主看到他们的个人照片和兴趣爱好,因此他们会创建一个单独的Facebook个人资料。 DID类似于这种情况,您可以为不同的目的创建不同的个人资料。


目前,许多人使用LinkedIn展示自己的专业经验和信息。但是,由于他们不希望雇主看到他们的个人照片和兴趣爱好,因此他们会创建一个单独的Facebook个人资料。 DID类似于这种情况,您可以为不同的目的创建不同的个人资料。

例如,您可以拥有以下用于DID: credentials DID profiles.jpeg



**Dock Certs:面向组织的用户友好,无需编码平台**

使用户能够轻松创建和管理其分散式标识符,以及颁发、验证和撤销可验证证书。通过Dock Certs,组织可以颁发防欺诈证书,以保护其证书的价值并增强其在利益相关者中的声誉。

**Dock Wallet:个人和组织**

人们可以通过将其DID和相关的可验证证书安全地存储在Dock Wallet中,方便地随身携带。该钱包使人们可以轻松创建、编辑和管理其分散式标识符,没有任何一方可以夺走这些标识符。

**Certs API:开发人员和组织**

Dock的Certs API使用户可以方便地颁发、验证和撤销可验证证书(VC)、管理分散式标识符(DID)以及与Dock区块链交互。我们在GitHub上提供开源软件,可与API一起使用。

Certs API的优点:

**Web3 ID:开发人员和组织(开源和免费)**

Web3 ID是一种身份验证和登录系统,可以实现以下功能:


使用Dock Wallet应用程序可以轻松开始创建您的分散式标识符,该钱包允许用户完全拥有和控制其分散式标识符。可验证证书与DID相关联。


  1. 在您的钱包底部选择DIDs,然后单击屏幕右上角的**+**符号。 sign to start creating a DID.png

2.选择创建新的DID a new DID.png

3.命名您的DID,例如教育证书、NFT、IDs等,并选择创建 DID.png


| --- | --- | key types.png

5.选择did:key,例如,并命名它后选择创建 a new DID.png

  1. did:key已创建。 key is created.png

7.如果选择did:dock,则是下一步。命名您的DID并选择DID付款账户。如果您有多个帐户,则会在此屏幕上看到一个额外的字段,供您选择要用于支付DID的帐户。 DID.png

8.选择确认 confirm.png

9.您现在拥有一个新的DID! is created.png
