Decentralized Identity Verification

Organizations can quickly verify users' digital credentials in seconds using Dock Certs and the Dock Wallet on a phone or computer. The verification process is powered by blockchain technology, making it fast and reliable. Because Dock's tools detect fraudulent credentials, verifiers can be assured that the information presented is accurate. Organizations can verify documents with the web or wallet-to-wallet (online or in person).

Benefits of Instant Credential Verification for Organizations identity verification request.jpeg

Benefits of Instant Credential Verification for Individuals identity selective disclosure.png

With the Dock Wallet, individuals:

Complete Verification Guide for Dock Certs and the Dock Wallet

Click here for the complete guide on how to verify credentials.

Difference Between Public Key and Private Key Cryptography With an Example DID decentralized identity.png

Every newly created DID comes with one or many private key and public keys.

Each DID comes with one or many private and public keys:

You can have multiple private-public key pairs, and it’s good practice to generate new public keys when sharing information with a different party. This can be compared to using the same password for 10 different websites. It’s not safe to do this for security reasons. It’s better to have different and long complex passwords for all sites. Similarly, it’s better to generate a new public key for each party you share information with.

Example of how private and public keys would be used

Let’s say there’s a health and safety training organization that provides certification for construction safety and this course is a requirement for workers to get a job with a construction company. Here is how decentralized identity helps prevent fraud and enables organizations to save a lot of time and resources issuing and verifying credentials:

  1. Carl finishes the program and the training organization requests to connect with his digital identity wallet
  2. When Carl authorizes the training organization to connect, the wallet shares his public DID in order for them to issue the credential.
  3. The training organization signs the digital certificate of completion with their private key and issues the credential. Their public key is stored on the blockchain. The organization can easily and efficiently issue many credentials at the same time with a decentralized identity platform like Dock.
  4. Carl would hold his credential on a digital wallet on his phone that he can bring everywhere.
  5. Carl gives the construction company authorization to see his credentials without showing any unnecessary information about himself like his address and date of birth.
  6. The company instantly verifies the authenticity of his credentials by scanning a QR code and not having to contact the issuer at all because the training organization’s public key is on the blockchain.

Traditional certification verification processes would normally take a few weeks before he can start working because the construction company would have to manually contact the issuer. The previous verification process would be time-consuming and expensive.


组织可以使用 Dock Certs 和 Dock Wallet,在手机或计算机上在几秒钟内快速验证用户的数字证书。验证过程由区块链技术驱动,因此快速可靠。由于Dock的工具可以检测到欺诈性证书,因此验证者可以确信所呈现的信息是准确的。组织可以使用web或钱包对钱包进行文档验证(在线或面对面)。

组织获得即时凭证验证的好处 identity verification request.jpeg

个人获得即时凭证验证的好处 identity selective disclosure.png


Dock Certs和Dock Wallet的完整验证指南

点击此处 获取有关如何验证凭证的完整指南。

公钥和私钥加密的区别以及示例 DID decentralized identity.png






  1. Carl完成该程序,培训组织请求连接到他的数字身份钱包
  2. 当Carl授权培训组织连接时,钱包共享他的公共DID以便他们发放凭证。
  3. 培训组织使用他们的 私钥 签署完成数字证书,并发放凭证。他们的 公钥 存储在区块链上。借助像Dock这样的去中心化身份平台,组织可以轻松高效地同时发放许多凭证。
  4. Carl将在手机上的数字钱包上持有他的凭证,可以随时带到任何地方。
  5. Carl授权建筑公司查看他的凭证,而不显示与他无关的任何信息,例如他的地址和出生日期。
  6. 公司通过扫描二维码即可立即验证其凭证的真实性,而无需与发行方联系,因为培训组织的 公钥 存储在区块链上。
